Add a 3D model
Use a custom style layer with three.js to add a 3D model to the map.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8" /><title>Add a 3D model</title><meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no" /><script src=""></script><link href="" rel="stylesheet" /><style> body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } #map { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; width: 100%; }</style></head><body><script src=""></script><script src=""></script><div id="map"></div><script> // TO MAKE THE MAP APPEAR YOU MUST ADD YOUR ACCESS TOKEN nmapsgl.accessToken = '<your access token here>'; const map = ( = new nmapsgl.Map({container: 'map',style: 'Streets',zoom: 18,center: [148.9819, -35.3981],pitch: 60,antialias: true // create the gl context with MSAA antialiasing, so custom layers are antialiased})); // parameters to ensure the model is georeferenced correctly on the mapconst modelOrigin = [148.9819, -35.39847];const modelAltitude = 0;const modelRotate = [Math.PI / 2, 0, 0]; const modelAsMercatorCoordinate = nmapsgl.MercatorCoordinate.fromLngLat(modelOrigin,modelAltitude); // transformation parameters to position, rotate and scale the 3D model onto the mapconst modelTransform = {translateX: modelAsMercatorCoordinate.x,translateY: modelAsMercatorCoordinate.y,translateZ: modelAsMercatorCoordinate.z,rotateX: modelRotate[0],rotateY: modelRotate[1],rotateZ: modelRotate[2],/* Since our 3D model is in real world meters, a scale transform needs to be* applied since the CustomLayerInterface expects units in MercatorCoordinates.*/scale: modelAsMercatorCoordinate.meterInMercatorCoordinateUnits()}; const THREE = window.THREE; // configuration of the custom layer for a 3D model per the CustomLayerInterfaceconst customLayer = {id: '3d-model',type: 'custom',renderingMode: '3d',onAdd: (map, gl) => { = new THREE.Camera();this.scene = new THREE.Scene(); // create two three.js lights to illuminate the modelconst directionalLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff);directionalLight.position.set(0, -70, 100).normalize();this.scene.add(directionalLight); const directionalLight2 = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff);directionalLight2.position.set(0, 70, 100).normalize();this.scene.add(directionalLight2); // use the three.js GLTF loader to add the 3D model to the three.js sceneconst loader = new THREE.GLTFLoader();loader.load('',(gltf) => {this.scene.add(gltf.scene);}); = map; // use the NMaps GL JS map canvas for three.jsthis.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({canvas: map.getCanvas(),context: gl,antialias: true}); this.renderer.autoClear = false;},render: (gl, matrix) => {const rotationX = new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationAxis(new THREE.Vector3(1, 0, 0),modelTransform.rotateX);const rotationY = new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationAxis(new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0),modelTransform.rotateY);const rotationZ = new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationAxis(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1),modelTransform.rotateZ); const m = new THREE.Matrix4().fromArray(matrix);const l = new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(modelTransform.translateX,modelTransform.translateY,modelTransform.translateZ).scale(new THREE.Vector3(modelTransform.scale,-modelTransform.scale,modelTransform.scale)).multiply(rotationX).multiply(rotationY).multiply(rotationZ); = m.multiply(l);this.renderer.state.reset();this.renderer.render(this.scene,;;}}; map.on('style.load', () => {map.addLayer(customLayer);});</script> </body></html>